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Reporting Network Problems


If you are experiencing packet loss or inconsistencies with your connection to either of our services, you can send us an E-Mail with a traceroute of at least 1000 packets to us at 

How to capture a traceroute

You can capture a traceroute using Matt's Traceroute (MTR)

Operating SystemDistributionInstallation
LinuxDebian/Ubuntuapt install mtr-tiny
LinuxCentOS/RHELyum install mtr
LinuxSuSEyast -i mtr
LinuxArch Linuxpacman -S mtr
LinuxGentooemerge -av mtr
WindowsWindows 98 and up
MacOSAnybrew install mtr (HomeBrew required)

A traceroute with at least 1000 thousand packets is required, use the following *nix command to start tracing.

Traceroute for

mtr -s 1000 -r -c 1000

Grab yourself a coffee as the test can take up to 25 minutes to complete!

The results may look like this:

Start: 2021-04-02T20:48:24+0200
HOST: terra.pcat                  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--                  0.0%  1000    0.9   0.8   0.6   6.1   0.3
  2.|--  0.0%  1000    7.1   7.9   6.2  66.2   6.2
  3.|-- ip-core-sto1-ae16.netcolo  0.0%  1000    7.1   7.5   6.2  43.4   3.0
  4.|-- bdr-sto1-ae1.netcologne.d  0.0%  1000    7.2   7.8   6.4  50.6   4.0
  5.|-- ae3-1337.bbr02.anx25.fra.  0.0%  1000    9.6  16.2   9.0 102.9  13.9
  6.|--  0.0%  1000   22.8  13.9  12.0  58.0   4.7
  7.|-- netcup-gw.bbr01.anx84.nue  0.0%  1000   12.8  15.0  11.9  81.9  10.2
  8.|--                  0.0%  1000   12.6  12.3  11.7  19.7   0.7

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.