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ToS;DR Sponsorship Independence Disclosure

ToS;DR is a not-for-profit organization that primarily relies on the contributions of volunteers, as well as donations, sponsorships, and similar support to sustain our operations. These financial contributions help us continue our work, but they do not influence our ratings or assessment criteria in any way.

Sponsorship does not imply endorsement, nor should our list of sponsors be considered a guarantee that their services align with all aspects of digital rights, such as privacy, data portability, or freedom from network lock-in. While we do not partner with companies we believe to be fundamentally harmful to user rights, sponsorship should not be seen as a certification of their policies or practices.

Our commitment remains to providing independent and unbiased evaluations of online services.

For transparency, we list all of our past and current sponsors, along with the reason for any sponsorship terminations, starting in mid-2024.

Current Sponsorships:

  • Fastly

  • Betterstack

  • Atlassian

  • Startmail

Past Sponsorships:

  • JetBrains

  • DuckDuckGo

  • Google Entrepreneurship

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